What we’ve discovered through Tots Play developmental play class

I’m sure you’ve all been keeping up to date with Alice’s progress on social media. Not only does she have her own Instagram page which gives you daily doses of baby spam, she also appears frequently on my on socials too. I think it’s really important to document her journey so she (and I) can look back on what she got up to and when. This post is all about what we’ve discovered through Tots Play developmental play class over the past six weeks, and what a difference it has made for Alice.

We were contacted to come and enjoy a taster session at our local play class with Carly at the Havers Community Centre. Tots Play classes are unique, multi-activity, developmental play classes held all over the country, so be sure to look up yours if you’re interested after reading this post!

There are different classes for all ages, and when we started Alice fell into the 8 weeks – crawling category: Discovery Tots. Discovery Tots is a weekly class for babies who love to learn using their whole body and all their senses! This includes baby yoga, movement and music, baby sign language, multi sensory play and wind down time. It’s a lot to take in for a baby in just one hour, but for them I’m sure the class feels like a lot longer.

We met with the other mums and dads in the group and easily joined in singing songs, learning new moves and trying some baby signs.

After our welcome and warm up, the next part of the the class was themed which is ideal for a baby’s sponge-like brain. There is always something new to explore, be it sensory toys, books and lots of different things to touch and hold.

Just look at this fabulous sensory tent filled with lights galore- Alice was mesmerised! 

New things we’ve discovered which Alice now loves:

  • Parachuting material up into the air and down onto her
  • Bubbles- we went out and bought a bubble machine after the first class

The big differences in Alice from week one to week six:

  • Alice is much more confident when interacting with other babies her age
  • Alice has come on leaps and bounds with her ability to move. She was only just about rolling over when we started, now she is on all fours and moving about (very shaky and falling lots though)
  • Alice can now recognise the sign for milk, and she is able to wave hello and goodbye thanks to Tots Play and Carly

Here are some shots from a more recent class- definitely more hair and so much stronger!

If you want to find your local Tots Play class, head over to the website here for more details.

We have just loved being a part of this group, and what we’ve discovered through Tots Play developmental play class is priceless for both myself and Alice. We’re so looking forward to our next session tomorrow! Look out for it on Alice’s insta story (@thealiceiris).

Saharasplash & Alice x

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